Did you know that the typical household cleaning products you have in your home aren’t required to list the ingredients on the label? Crazy, right?!? We have a right to know what we are bringing into our home, and the products we are cleaning with. The truth is that the majority of these products on the market aren’t safe for our home or for our families. The ingredients in common household items are toxic to our health, and lead to common childhood illness, such as asthma, allergies, and even behavioral disorders such as ADHD/ADD.
Thanks to Seventh Generation, I was able to provide my guests with goodie bags filled with great information regarding the #comeclean initiative, and petitioning companies to inform consumers about what ingredients they use in their products. Samples were also provided in these goodies bags to include laundry and dish detergent, wipes, Zarabees cough syrup, and organic toddler meals. Prizes were also provided for playing bingo, and participation in the open discussion. Seventh Generation really made it possible for me to educate and inform other mom’s and dad’s in community.
You can find out more about this #comeclean action 7gen.us/comeclean. Please take a few moments to read more about this, and take action to having healthier, non-toxic chemicals in your home! #gotitfree